Food as a Hobby,

Eat Well, Save Money , Be Fit.

Too many people are not eating good food, or spending too much on overpriced foods.

We will help you eat well, save money, and also protect your health.

Cooking is a Hobby Skillset, You Will Eat Well, Save Money and Be Fit.

Latest Home Cookery with Premium Restaurant Taste.

Supreme is also a Multipurpose Diet for Individuals to Benefit & Personalize.

Is Best for: Learn to Cook Great Foods, Set Weight or Fitness Diet, Obesity Prevention, and Diabetes Management.

A Low Price Membership To All Premium Contents,

Is Much Better Than Free Sites, they are B or C Grade Contents, Many People Result With Obesity For Life.

Enjoy High Quality Recipes & Look After Your Body, Stay Slim!

  • Supreme Cookery Course

    Supreme Cookery Course

    Members theory cookery course, which consists of three modules for beginners starting out and intermediate foodies:

    M1) Suprem’s 4 Low BMR Nutrition is excellent for your health.

    A multifunctional diet for fitness and set weight diet, learn to customise for your personal needs.

    M2) How to Create Food Deliciousness: The insights into deliciousness and how is done, immerse yourself to delicious cooking.

    M3) Productive Home Cooking: Supreme's productive cooking methods, saves you a lot of time & easy to achieve cooking great foods at home.

    Learning this cookery course will help you to the next level of a fitter foodie.

  • Supreme Food Nutrition

    Food nutrition is confusing; but is very important, this is excellent to learn.

    There are many diets on the market. Supreme’s innovative 4 Low BMR nutrition has been tested for the last four years.

    It is faultless and has excellent benefits; Supreme is designed for people who want the best home foods they can have along with the best health benefits.

    It is a multifunctional, customizable diet for each individual's lifestyle, such as fitness, set weight, longevity, obesity prevention, and diabetes management.

    4 years of blood and fitness testing, the results are excellent, your blood test will be perfect with all low body lipids and low blood pressure results.

  • A New Set Weight Diet to Stay Slim.

    The new set-weight diet is designed to target the body size and inner body lipids to stay in the same condition and minimize deterioration.

    Too many people eat high-carb foods and become obese. Supreme is the latest Set-Weight Diet Cuisine in the market designed for obesity prevention. It is also designed for post-weight loss people; statistically, 80% of dieters regain their lost weight back because they are sick of eating secondary-tasting diet foods.

    Many people are unaware of food dopamine, a happy hormone triggered by eating. High-carb and high-calorie food dopamine results people with obesity and food addictions, Supreme specializes in low-calorie food dopamine to stay skinny and happy with our specialty foods.

  • Supreme Tastes

    Many people are turned off by diets, generally because of the secondary taste. Supreme is a new brand with the latest popular food trends people like to eat.

    200+ premium food recipes of New Western 75% & Asian Cuisine 25%, with low- mid and high-calorie nutrients to choose from.

    All Supreme recipes are created with premium taste and food styling, is like learning premium restaurant-tasting foods with designs to benefit the body's health for good.

    Supreme is the latest brand, designed for people who want the best for their taste buds along with the best health effects.

  • A Fitness Diet

    Supreme is a new diet with quality restaurant taste, for fitness people, it is a new game-changer for the taste buds.

    Customize your personal calorie preference, like high-calorie foods for pre-workouts and low-mid-calorie foods for the rest days.

    Supreme has been tested for the last four years, and the lab results show perfect low body lipids.

    High protein, calorie, and complex carbs meals for pre-workouts is at new restaurant taste, this will always elevate peak experiences for the lifetime.

  • Low-Calorie Desserts

    Many people love eating desserts however, most people are not aware of the high-calories it contains and result in obesity.

    Supreme aims is to be the leading low-calorie desserts for home cooking.

    Learn the latest low-calorie desserts full of great taste with low calories, and enjoy desserts daily without guilt and without fats, members will stay skinny, preventing diabetes for life.

    For people living with diabetes, Supreme is the leading brand for specialty desserts that will not spike blood sugars.

  • Supreme Cure Roasting

    Supreme Cure Roasting

    Curing meats is one of the oldest methods of food preservation along side of food fermentation method. Supreme’s original “Cure Render Roast” cooking technique is a new method of cooking chicken, duck, and pork; it is tastier, has a better crispy skin texture, and adds depth of flavor for more umami deliciousness.

    It is also much healthier with animal fats rendered out during the cooking process; it will reduce your intake of calories, saturated fats, and cholesterol for long-term healthier lipids. You will enjoy a collection of flavors all with sauces; this will make your home roasting to the best possible ways.

    People are paying $190 for whole roasted duck, we can make it for $23, this will improve the way you eat for good.

  • Supreme Asian Cookery

    Supreme Asian Cookery

    Modern Asian Cuisine has gained non-stop popularity in the last 30 years of arrival; many chefs have their own approach to its tasty, robust, and exotic flavors, leaving diners with a memorable experience.

    Supreme's Modern Asian foods are crafted with healthy nutrients and easily achievable for home cooking.

    Food travel to Asian flavors with elegance and deliciousness, we will teach you Asian cooking and treat your tastebuds for a lifetime.

  • Supreme Cookery Frying

    Supreme Frying

    Supreme also has a high-calorie section for people wanting the occasional fried foods for game days or parties.

    Each individual’s food nutrient intake is best to customize with the activity level of the body, so be mindful when eating high-calorie fried foods.

    We created a special blend of recipes for frying, a new crispy echo crunch texture that elevates fried food eating experience, triggering taste buds and sensors along with umami flavors, compounding a premium standard of fried foods.

    You will enjoy a collection of premium Supreme Fried Chicken and Seafood recipes, all comes with pairing sauces.

    It is high-end fried foods,

    the best you will ever make.

  • Supreme Membership Benefits

    Members Benefits Summary

    Having a cookery skillset will save an average member $140 per week not eating out that is total of $7280 per year.

    You will upgrade to a better, higher quality lifestyle is definitely eating more delicious food every day.

    Supreme is a healthcare food brand; we got your health covered with a new innovative multifunctional diet with restaurant tastes.

    For fitness people is a new-gamechanger for the taste buds, is less health food taste, more restaurant taste.

    For post-weight-loss people, do not regain the lost weight back! you need a satisfying set-weight diet what Supreme design to do.

    For Pre-diabetes or Diabetes type 2, you will need a healthy diet to manage the diabetes condition; it does not cure itself, and only gets worse if untreated.

    Supreme is a high value brand for members to benefit for their lifetime is super good.

  • Supreme Cookery Membership Pricing

    Membership Pricing

    Supreme Membership: one fee to lifetime membership $140, best valued.

    Monthly Subscription Membership: $45.

  • Supreme Weight Loss Program

    Affordable wight loss program with or without GLP-1 medications, people can loose back their extra weight from the holiday season or transform their bodies with mass weight loss up to 200kg or 500 pounds.

    This weight loss program really works by eating low-calorie foods for a calorie deficit diet.

    Weight loss program is a add on Reset Membership for one time fee of $50.

Who Should Join Supreme Cookery

  • Gen-Z & Gen-Y

    For beginners wanting to able to cook nice food or intermediate foodies, join Supreme to elevate your home cooking skills.

    Learn the new creative foods that make you healthy and skinny and lots of money savings for years to come.

  • Families

    Supreme is the latest delicious healthcare diet for families to prevent child obesity.

    Also for adults to prevent middle age obesity, diabetes & metabolic diseases.

  • Fitness People

    Supreme is a great new diet for fitness people; with the option of high, mid, and low-calorie foods, customize your own calorie intake for pre and post-workouts.

    After 4 years of testing, all body lipids remain low, which is best for endurance and lifestyle fitness enthusiasts.

  • Post GLP-1 Dieters

    Supreme's Set Weight Diet Cuisine is the most delicious brand on the market for people who have successfully lost weight recently and are seeking a more elite-tasting, low-calorie cuisine diet.

    Supreme will maintain the lean weight and prevent the weight rebound.